The maven build system, in spite of its many shortcomings, does have the right idea: the POM (Project Object Model).
- It's intended to be declarative. You describe the artifacts and their dependencies.
- It's in XML, making it very tedious to read and manipulate.
- It is too java centric, and generally too much concerned with java specific implementation details
- In spite of initially being declarative, it has too many procedural details, mainly around managing versions, which is the one thing we wish to avoid here.
In the spirit of taking the best parts and leaving behind the bad parts, I decided to implement a POM-like document: the Bill of Materials.
- It's a YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) file, which hopefully is easier to read than an XML file.
- It simply lists artifacts and their dependencies.
- I very explicitly separate out any build procedural details by simply referencing the build scripts explicitly as an artifact property. In other words: "I don't care how you produce the artifact, just tell me where it is when the build script is done".
In it's simplest form, a bill of materials file looks like this:
- GroupId: com.myselfSince YAML is a hierarchical format, it offers a straight forward way to factor out repetition. Just declare the shared attributes at a higher level:
ArtifactId: myartifact1
BuiltBy: mybuildscript
BuiltFrom: # declare where the sources are
- some/shared/source/directory
- source/directory/for/myartifact1
SourceFile: build/output/file1 # this is where the artifact ends up
- GroupId: com.myself
ArtifactId: myartifact2
BuiltBy: mybuildscript
- some/shared/source/directory
- source/directory/for/myartifact2
SourceFile: build/output/file2
- GroupId: com.myself
ArtifactId: myartifact3
BuiltBy: mybuildscript
- some/shared/source/directory
- source/directory/for/myartifact3
SourceFile: build/output/file3
GroupId: com.myself # Items in this section are validThe values of the attributes can be used to define other values, using the
BuiltBy: mybuildscript # for all artifacts
- ArtifactId: myartifact1 # Items here are only valid here
- some/shared/source/directory
- source/directory/for/myartifact1
SourceFile: build/output/file1
- ArtifactId: myartifact2
- some/shared/source/directory
- source/directory/for/myartifact2
SourceFile: build/output/file2
- ArtifactId: myartifact3
- some/shared/source/directory
- source/directory/for/myartifact3
SourceFile: build/output/file3
syntax:GroupId: com.myself
BuiltBy: mybuildscript
- some/shared/source/directory
- ArtifactId: myartifact1Doing this opens up more refactoring opportunities: note that the
- source/directory/for/${ArtifactId}
SourceFile: build/output/file1
- ArtifactId: myartifact2
- source/directory/for/${ArtifactId}
SourceFile: build/output/file2
- ArtifactId: myartifact3
- source/directory/for/${ArtifactId}
SourceFile: build/output/file3
are evaluated after the itemized list is constructed, so it is totally ok to reference a ${Attribute}
even if it is not defined at that same level: GroupId: com.myself
BuiltBy: mybuildscript
- some/shared/source/directory
- source/directory/for/${ArtifactId}
- ArtifactId: myartifact1
SourceFile: build/output/file1
- ArtifactId: myartifact2
SourceFile: build/output/file2
- ArtifactId: myartifact3
SourceFile: build/output/file3
I have found it convenient to have two ways to declare dependencies between artifacts.
- Declare upstream dependencies in the classic maven way, by saying Requires: <artifact>. This method is useful for the classic shared code dependencies.
- Declare downstream dependencies using a DeployTo: entry. This method is useful for build flow dependencies, for example to aggregate and validate build results and test results, or to bundle a bunch of individual pieces into an installer.
Example of the first type: refactor code to create a separate artifact for the shared code portion:
GroupId: com.myself
- BuiltBy: mylibrarybuildscript
- some/shared/source/directory
- ArtifactId: mylibraryartifact
SourceFile: build/output/library
- BuiltBy: mybuildscript
Requires: ${GroupId}:mylibraryartifact
BuiltFrom: # <- this applies to all artifacts listed beneath
- source/directory/for/${ArtifactId}
- ArtifactId: myartifact1
SourceFile: build/output/file1
- ArtifactId: myartifact2
SourceFile: build/output/file2
- ArtifactId: myartifact3Example of the second type: feed a validation task to aggregate all the build results:
SourceFile: build/output/file3
GroupId: com.myself
- ArtifactId: manifest
BuiltBy: validate
SourceFile: manifest
- DeployTo: # <- this applies to all artifacts listed beneath
- Downstream: validate
- BuiltBy: mylibrarybuildscript
- some/shared/source/directory
- ArtifactId: mylibraryartifact
SourceFile: build/output/library
- BuiltBy: mybuildscript
Requires: ${GroupId}:mylibraryartifact
- source/directory/for/${ArtifactId}
- ArtifactId: myartifact1
SourceFile: build/output/file1
- ArtifactId: myartifact2
SourceFile: build/output/file2
- ArtifactId: myartifact3
SourceFile: build/output/file3
In spite of YAML being a very simple format, it is powerful enough to allow relatively compact represention of long lists of artifacts.
In part three, I will describe how I use the information in the bill of materials to generate a build plan and the corresponding jenkins job definitions to execute the plan.